Abstract Expressionist Wood "Totem" Sculpture by Raul Varnerin
Beautifully carved in mahogany Sculpture by renowned argentine sculptor Raul Varnerin, 1970s.
Raúl Varnerin was born in Buenos Aires in 1938. In the 1970s he worked in the workshop of Maestro Ángel Marzoratti, then in Stimulus of Fine Arts with such Masters as Oriana, Longhini, Daulte, Dubcovski and finally in the workshop of Maestro Carlo Marchesotti.
Since 1981, he has participated in various salons and group shows, including: Annual AADAE Hall - Autumn Hall San Fernando - Hall Autumn SAAP - Hall Intermunicipal Gral. San Martín - Hall National Province of Santa Fe - Hall Municipal Gral. Belgrano - Hall Pampeano de Artes Plásticas, SantaRosa, La Pampa-Tucumán National Salon-Collective Exhibition of the Municipality of Vicente López-Collective Sample of the Sempere Museum-Collective Exhibition of the Hoy en el Arte Gallery-Sample of the Zuviria Jardin Botanico-National Salon of Plastic Arts. Palais de Glace.
He has presented his works in individual exhibitions in Buenos Aires, at the A.M.C Gallery, at the Perlotti Sculpture Museum and at the Bruzzoni Gallery. Since 1993 he participates in meetings and symposiums on wood sculpture in Argentina (Ciudad LNAlem, Misiones - Villa Allende, Córdoba - Rosario, Santa Fe - Parque Avellaneda, Ciudad de Buenos Aires - "El Bosque Tallado", El Bolsón, Río Negro - San Martín de los Andes - Ciudad La Banda, Santiago del Estero - Termas de Río Hondo, Santiago del Estero - San Bernardo, Province of Buenos Aires) and in international competitions in Italy for wood sculptures (Nimis, Udine - Trucioli d ' Artist, Rivoli, Torino) and ice (Art in Ice. Livigno, Sondrio). In 2010, Grupo Zuviría was one of the founders, a place of study, work and exchange between sculptors, who meet in his workshop to share ideas and experiences.
Today the Artist lives and works in Buenos Aires.